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Waters Opening Statement at Committee Markup of Bills to Protect Servicemembers and Prevent Predatory Debt Collection Practices

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Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, gave the following opening statement at a full Committee markup of bills to help veterans experiencing homelessness, protect servicemembers from harassment by debt collectors, and crack down on predatory debt collection practices to help consumers and small businesses As Prepared for…

Waters Announces November Hearings

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Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, announced several Committee hearings for the month of November: November 13 at 10:00 AM: The Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy will convene for a hearing entitled, “How America Leads Abroad: An Examination of Multilateral Development…

Waters to Trump: Your Shamelessness Knows No Bounds

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Tags: HUD

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, sent a letter to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, taking him to task for his harmful homelessness proposals. “From day one of your presidency, you have attacked our democracy and now you have set your ire on the 550,000 Americans who on any given night experience…

Waters Slams Trump’s Record on Housing, Outlines Long-Standing Democratic Housing Finance Reform Principles at Hearing with Mnuchin, Carson and Calabria

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Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, gave the following statement at a full Committee hearing entitled, “The End of Affordable Housing? A Review of the Trump Administration’s Plans to Change Housing Finance in America.” As Prepared for Delivery Today we are here to discuss the impact of the Trump Administration’s housing…

Waters Statement on HUD’s Move to Weaken Protections Against Housing Discrimination

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Tags: HUD

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, issued the following statement condemning the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) proposal to weaken a key aspect of the Fair Housing Act, the disparate impact standard, under which defendants can be held liable for policies or practices that have a discriminatory impact…

Waters and Plaskett Urge HUD to Reconsider Exclusion of Virgin Islands from Disaster Relief Funding

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Tags: HUD

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) and 10 Members of Congress sent a letter to Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, blasting the agency’s recent announcement that it would release Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery…

Waters Statement on CFPB Student Loan Ombudsman Announcement

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Following the announcement that Robert Cameron, former head of compliance and risk mitigation at the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA/FedLoan Servicing), will serve as the Private Education Loan Ombudsman at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, issued the following…

Waters Statement on GAO Report Confirming Concerns About HUD’s Distressed Asset Stabilization Program

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Tags: HUD

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, released a statement on a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report entitled, “Federal Housing Administration: Opportunities Exist to Improve Defaulted, Single-Family Loan Sales.” (GAO-19-228). The GAO report was requested in 2016 by Chairwoman Waters to ensure the Federal Housing…

House Passes Seven Financial Services Bills

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On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the following bills, offered by House Financial Services Committee Members, and managed on the House floor by Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee. H. Res. 456, Emphasizing the Importance of State Regulators, a bipartisan resolution emphasizing the investor protection and…

Committee Passes Legislation to Protect Residents of HUD-Subsidized Housing from Carbon Monoxide

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Today, the House Financial Services Committee, held a markup of H.R. 1690, the Safe Housing for Families Act of 2019, legislation that protects residents of public housing from carbon monoxide poisoning. This legislation, introduced by Rep. Chuy Garcia (D-IL), would authorize $300 million over three years to fund the installation and maintenance of carbon monoxide detectors in…

Committee Passes Legislation to Protect Housing Rights, Reform National Flood Insurance Program and Strengthen the Financial System

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This week, the House Financial Services Committee, held a markup of eight bills to make homeownership more affordable and sustainable, reverse harmful actions Trump Administration appointees have taken at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), reauthorize and reform the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and crack down on the illicit use of the financial…

Waters Opening Statement at Full Committee Markup

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Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, gave the following opening statement at a full Committee markup of eight bills to strengthen housing protections, crack down on illicit finance activities and reform the National Flood Insurance Program. As Prepared for Delivery Today, this Committee convenes for a markup of eight…

Committee Democrats Fact-Check Secretary Carson’s Committee Testimony

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This week, at a full Committee hearing with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Benjamin Carson entitled, “Housing in America: Oversight of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,” Committee Democrats asked questions about many of the Secretary’s harmful actions at HUD that he repeatedly answered inaccurately. Read below for a list of the top…

Waters Presses Carson on His Long List of Harmful Housing Proposals

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Tags: HUD

Today, at a full Committee hearing with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Benjamin Carson entitled, “Housing in America: Oversight of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,” Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, gave the following opening statement: As Prepared for Delivery Today, this…

Waters, Garcia and 21 Committee Democrats Condemn Carson’s Cruel Proposal to Evict Mixed-Immigration Status Families

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Tags: HUD

On Friday, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia (D-TX), and 21 Committee Democrats sent a letter to Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), demanding that he withdraw his senseless proposal to terminate housing benefits for mixed-immigration status families who…

Waters Calls for Infrastructure Investments to Include Affordable Housing

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Tags: HUD

Today, at a full Committee hearing entitled, “Housing in America: Assessing the Infrastructure Needs of America’s Housing Stock,” Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee gave the following opening statement. As Prepared for Delivery Today this Committee convenes for a hearing on assessing the infrastructure needs of America’s housing…

Waters Opening Statement at Markup of Five Bills

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Today, at a full Committee markup, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee gave the following opening statement. As Prepared for Delivery Today, this Committee convenes for a markup of five overdue bills. As I have said before, under my leadership, this Committee will be focused on fairness and policies to benefit consumers,…

Chairwoman Waters Introduces Bill to End Homelessness in America

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Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, introduced H.R. 1856, the Ending Homelessness Act of 2019, legislation that provides a comprehensive plan to ensure that every person experiencing homelessness in America has a place to call home. “In the richest country in the world, it is simply unacceptable that we have people living in…

Waters Supports Bipartisan Bill to Increase Housing Opportunities for Low-Income Families

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Tags: HUD

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, gave the following floor statement on H.R. 1122, the Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration Act, bipartisan legislation to help improve services and flexibility for Americans who are receiving housing assistance. As Prepared for Delivery Mr. Speaker, rigorous studies have demonstrated…

Waters Blasts Cruel Trump Budget

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Tags: HUD, Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. -Today, in response to the Trump Administration’s release of its budget request to Congress for Fiscal Year 2020, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, issued the following statement: “Trump has repeatedly shown that he has no interest in standing up for hardworking Americans and this proposal is just another example.…

Waters Opening Statement at Historic Hearing on Homelessness

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Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, convened the first Committee hearing of the 116th Congress and the Committee’s first ever full Committee hearing on the issue of homelessness in this country. For years, Committee Democrats have worked to bring attention to the homelessness crisis and have put forth proactive solutions to…

Waters Opposes HUD’s Efforts to Take Over New York’s Largest Public Housing Authority

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Tags: HUD

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, expressing concerns with the agency’s efforts to enter the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) into receivership. “Every family deserves access to safe, decent, and affordable housing, and NYCHA’s residents are no…

Waters Calls Out Carson for Failing to Protect Critical Housing Programs During Trump Shutdown

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Tags: HUD, Budget

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, sent a letter to Ben Carson, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), demanding that HUD follows its own Contingency Plan during the longest shutdown in U.S. history. In the letter, Chairwoman Waters expressed concerns about HUD’s failure to ensure…

Waters Outlines Agenda in First Policy Speech as Committee Chairwoman

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Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, delivered the following remarks during her first policy speech in the 116th Congress: As Prepared for Delivery Thank you for the very warm welcome, and to the Center for American Progress for holding this event. CAP’s research and policy work are highly respected and a valued resource…

Waters Statement on the Trump Shutdown’s Impact on Housing in this Country

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Tags: FHA, HUD, Budget

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, made the following statement on the impact of the Trump shutdown on the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the agency that is responsible for expanding housing opportunities and providing safe, decent, and affordable housing for millions of families across the…

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