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Waters to Carson: Stop Whining and Start Working

Washington, DC, November 19, 2019
Tags: HUD

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, gave the following statement regarding a letter from HUD Secretary Ben Carson:

“Ben Carson is like a duck out of water and has been a complete failure at HUD. His basic philosophy is antithetical to his duties and HUD’s mission, and reports show he doesn’t spend much time at his job. HUD deserves a leader that understands and is committed to HUD’s mission. Ben Carson has never been that leader.

“He has put forth an outrageous plan that would triple rents for the lowest income households in the country and put 1.7 million Americans at risk of eviction and homelessness at a time when we are in a national homelessness crisis. His most recent proposed budget would cut HUD funding by 18 percent, including the elimination of new funding for the National Housing Trust Fund and Capital Magnet Fund, important programs that are in place to increase the supply of affordable housing targeted for the lowest income households including those who are experiencing homelessness and those who are on the verge of experiencing homelessness. Additionally, under his failed leadership, he has eliminated protections for LGBTQ individuals, blocked DREAMers from FHA loans, and proposed to make it nearly impossible for victims of housing discrimination to obtain justice.

“Most recently, it was reported that he and this disgraceful President want to raze homeless camps, round up persons experiencing homelessness and force them to live in unused and unsuitable federal buildings. All of this demonstrates his lack of competence as HUD secretary and the cruelty of this Administration. Instead of whining about his inability to get on my schedule, he should take some time to focus on the over half a million people experiencing homelessness in this country. Under my leadership, the House Financial Services Committee has passed my legislation, the Ending Homelessness Act, to provide $13.2 billion in funding to solve the devastating issue of homelessness. Unsurprisingly, we have yet to see any productive solutions come out of this dysfunctional and corrupt Administration.

“If he is sincere in wanting to have a constructive, bipartisan conversation with me, he can start by providing substantive answers to the numerous questions posed in my October 28 letter and public support for the Ending Homelessness Act. In the meantime, he should contain his tantrums and leave his mother out of this.”



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