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House Republicans Again Block Consideration of Flood Insurance Relief

For the third time in two weeks, House Republicans rejected a Democratic procedural motion to bring bipartisan legislation that would delay the implementation of flood insurance increases up for a vote.

Using a parliamentary procedure to order the "previous question," Republicans blocked an effort to bring H.R. 3370, the bipartisan Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act, to the House floor. Over the past week, momentum on the flood bill has increases, with the measure now having 207 cosponsors from both sides of the aisle. In January, the measure passed the U.S. Senate by an overwhelming majority of 67-32.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), who has led the effort to fix these unintended consequences, released the following statement.

“Today marks the third time House Republican leadership has denied middle class families important relief from unaffordable flood insurance premiums. While this measure languishes in the House, working families continue to deal with skyrocketing insurance premiums, depressed home prices and the inability to buy or sell their home.

I again urge Republican leadership to immediately take up this bipartisan solution, which was recently passed by the U.S. Senate. We now have over 200 Members of the House signed on as coauthors.

Hundreds of thousands of middle class families are looking to the House for answers. But all they are finding is more of the senseless gridlock that has been a hallmark of this Congress.”

The motion to would end debate and block consideration of the flood bill, passed by a vote of 222-195.


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