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Ranking Member Maxine Waters: “We Should Reject These Misguided Policies that are Raising the Cost of Living for Most Families, While Elon Musk and the Billionaire Class Push for Their Taxes to be Cut.”

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), the top Democrat on the House Financial Service Committee, delivered the following statement during a Task Force on Monetary Policy, Treasury Market Resilience, and Economic Prosperity hearing entitled, “Examining Monetary Policy and Economic Opportunity.”

As prepared for delivery

Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

If we really want to discuss the cost of living, we should discuss President Trump’s policies that have left working class families bracing for disaster. Just yesterday, Trump announced massive new import taxes on Americans and American businesses buying things from Canada and Mexico. Last week, Republicans voted to advance Trump’s budget and cut up to $880 billion in Medicaid funding, which could eliminate coverage for nearly 16 million people. Experts have said that Chairman Hill’s district alone could lose $2.3 billion in funding for more than 180,000 of his constituents covered by Medicaid and other programs.

We should reject these misguided policies that are raising the cost of living for most families, while Elon Musk and the billionaire class push for their taxes to be cut.

Thank you, and I yield back.


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