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Ranking Member Waters Applauds Senate Confirmation of Federal Reserve Board Nominees

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, released this statement following the Senate’s confirmation of Federal Reserve Governor Lisa Cook to continue serving on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Fed) for a full term, Dr. Adriana Kugler to serve on the Fed’s Board of Governors, and Governor Phillip Jefferson to serve as Vice Chair of the Fed Board:

“I want to congratulate Governor Lisa Cook and Dr. Adriana Kugler for their confirmation to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, as well as Governor Phillip Jefferson to serve as Vice Chair of the Board. I also want to acknowledge and congratulate all three on the history they each have made. This confirmation makes Governor Cook the first Black woman to be confirmed to a full 14-year term on the Federal Reserve Board, which I called for last year when she was first confirmed to serve on the Fed Board. In addition, Governor Jefferson will be the second Black man to serve as Vice Chair, and Dr. Kugler will become the first Latina member to serve on the Board of Governors. I’ve long called for a Federal Reserve Board that reflects the diversity of our nation, and with these confirmations, it finally does. Together, I am confident that Governors Cook and Jefferson as well as Dr. Kugler will use their combined skills and expertise to successfully build on the economic growth we’ve seen under the leadership of President Biden. I look forward to working closely with the Federal Reserve Board to create an even stronger and more inclusive economy.”


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