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Waters Statement on her Nomination as Financial Services Committee Chairwoman by Democratic Steering and Policy Committee

Following her historic nomination by the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee as the first woman and African American to chair the House Committee on Financial Services, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), issued the following statement:

“I am honored to have been nominated by the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee to serve as Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee in the 116th Congress.

“I am committed to creating opportunities, ensuring fairness, and protecting the economic well-being of all Americans. As Chairwoman, I will continue to prioritize protecting consumers and investors from abusive financial practices, ensuring strong safeguards are in place to prevent another financial crisis, expanding and supporting affordable housing opportunities, encouraging responsible innovation in financial technology, promoting diversity and inclusion in the financial services sector and ensuring that hardworking Americans and small businesses have fair access to the financial system and opportunities to thrive.

“Appropriate oversight of the Trump Administration and the regulatory agencies under the Committee's jurisdiction will also be an important responsibility for the Committee. Of particular importance is ensuring that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is not dismantled by Trump’s appointees. This critical agency must be allowed to resume its work of protecting consumers from unfair, deceptive or abusive practices without interference from the Trump Administration.

“As Chairwoman, I will continue to have an open door policy, in order to hear the perspectives of all stakeholders, including representatives of the financial services industry as well as advocates for consumers and investors. I will continue to work with both Democratic colleagues and my colleagues across the aisle to find commonsense solutions to benefit hardworking Americans and protect vulnerable families.”

Democratic Steering and Policy Committee nominations are subject to the approval of the Democratic caucus.


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