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Press Releases

Waters Slams the Trump Administration’s Harmful Plans for HUD

Today, in response to reports that the Trump Administration’s preliminary budget plans for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development would cut more than $6 billion from its budget, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services, made the following statement:

“Every day, the Trump Administration reveals with their actions that they are willing to abandon and betray hardworking Americans and vulnerable families. This shameful plan would slash funding that fights poverty, revitalizes neighborhoods, helps the homeless, and makes housing more affordable, safe, decent and accessible for low-income Americans, veterans, and persons with disabilities. This proposal would destroy families, neighborhoods, and whole communities.”

“If Donald Trump really cared about struggling Americans, he would be increasing funding to these critical programs, not planning brutal cuts. Make no mistake, this plan would result in more people living on the streets.”


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