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Waters Blasts Carson’s HUD Confirmation

Following the U.S. Senate’s Confirmation of Dr. Ben Carson to lead the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services, issued the following statement:

“Senate Republicans have consistently confirmed Trump’s questionable cabinet nominee’s and today is no different.

“The decision to put Dr. Carson in such a critical role in our Federal government reveals that Trump and Republicans are not serious about addressing the housing challenges faced by hardworking American families. Dr. Carson has previously expressed the idea that ‘poverty is really more of a choice than anything else.’ Thinking like this could put our nation’s most vulnerable in great danger.

“Why is Dr. Carson so oblivious? Because he is a retired neurosurgeon with zero experience in housing policy. Putting him in charge of a complex federal agency responsible for ensuring access to safe, decent, and affordable housing for our nation’s most vulnerable households makes absolutely no sense.

“Dr. Carson’s confirmation today is appalling. He is just another addition to the parade of unqualified individuals serving in the Trump Administration.”


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