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Waters Congratulates Newly Appointed Democrat Committee Members

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services, released a statement following the announcement of the newly appointed Democratic Members to the Committee, who will serve for the 115th Congress:

“Democrats are now the last line of defense to fight the onslaught of Wall Street Reform rollbacks and deregulatory bills the Republicans will try to rush to President-elect Trump’s desk. But we are more than up to the challenge,” said Congresswoman Waters. “I welcome these 4 new Members to the Committee and look forward to working with them, and our returning Members, on this fight for America’s consumers and investors.”

Newly Appointed Democratic Committee Members for the 115th Congress:

  • Congressman Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey
  • Congressman Vicente Gonzalez of Texas
  • Congressman Charlie Crist of Florida
  • Congressman Ruben Kihuen of Nevada

These appointments are subject to approval by the full Democratic Caucus.


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