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Press Releases

Congresswoman Waters Urges Rethinking Natural Disaster Assistance in the Wake of Baton Rouge Flooding

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services, issued the following statement in the wake of historic flooding in Baton Rouge, Louisiana:

“As the devastating flooding in Baton Rouge, Louisiana demonstrates, too many Americans receive outdated and incorrect signals from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Only a small fraction of residents who found themselves in harm's way were considered to be in a flood zone and therefore most did not purchase flood insurance. Those individuals, through no fault of their own, now find themselves wondering how they will pick up the pieces. As Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee with jurisdiction over the NFIP, I will make sure that as we continue to think through its reauthorization that we take into consideration the inadequacy of our flood maps. We must get creative about the NFIP and rethink how our government deals with natural disasters – from wildfires, to earthquakes, and flooding – so that homeowners, businesses, and renters are protected.”


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