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Export-Import Bank

House Republicans Block Consideration of Export-Import Bank Renewal

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Today, House Republicans rejected a Democratic motion to bring legislation to reauthorize, reform and re-energize the Export-Import Bank up for a vote. Using a parliamentary procedure called the "previous question," House Republicans blocked an effort to bring H.R. 1031, the “Promoting U.S. Jobs through Exports Act of 2015” to the House floor. This legislation, which has 190 Democratic…

BREAKING: Majority of House Supports Ex-Im Bank Renewal

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Less than one day after four leading Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation to reauthorize, reform and re-energize the Export-Import Bank, support for the bill has dramatically intensified. A growing total of more than 190 Democratic members of the House of Representatives have signed on to cosponsor the legislation, entitled the “Promoting U.S. Jobs through Exports Act of 2015,”…

Leading Democratic Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Protect and Reform the Export-Import Bank

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Four leading Democratic lawmakers have introduced legislation to reauthorize, reform and re-energize the Export-Import Bank, an agency that supports hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs and levels the playing field so that American businesses are able to compete successfully in global markets. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee, joined…

Financial Services Democrats Challenge GOP Views on Inequality Issues

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Over the course of a two-day markup of Republican fiscal year 2016 budgetary priorities in the financial services sector, Financial Services Committee Democrats fought back against a Republican effort to eliminate taxpayer protections and undermine the social safety net. Led by Ranking Member Maxine Waters (D-CA), Democrats fiercely opposed rampant mischaracterizations of critical…

Shelby hints he's open to renewing Ex-Im

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Senate Banking Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) signaled Thursday that he's willing to support reauthorizing the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank, as long as it is reformed to help small businesses. "I have problems with the status quo, but I've supported Ex-Im before," Shelby told reporters. Congress must reauthorize Ex-Im by the end of June, or it shuts down. Shelby said he'll…

Waters Outlines Democratic Priorities during Oversight Markup

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In remarks at the Financial Services Committee markup of its Oversight Plan, which is required by House rules to outline Committee work during the 114th session of Congress, Ranking Member Maxine Waters underscored some of her top priorities for the coming two years. Acknowledging a modest departure from the more contentious oversight plan of the 113th Congress, the Ranking Member…

Exporters Fear Credit Crunch

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A decision by Congress to extend the Export-Import Bank only temporarily is raising concern among business owners who say they rely on the credit agency to lower the risks of exporting. Congress extended the agency’s charter through the middle of next year as part of a compromise between supporters of the agency and those who want to eliminate it. Generally, lawmakers reauthorize the…

Miller, Waters Release Legislation to Renew and Reform Export-Import Bank

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Today, two key lawmakers on the House Financial Services Committee unveiled a bipartisan discussion draft of legislation to renew and reform the charter of the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank), an agency that supports hundreds of thousands of jobs and levels the playing field so that American businesses are able to compete successfully in global markets. Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA),…

Bipartisan Bill to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank Unveiled

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Two federal lawmakers from California unveiled bipartisan legislation Tuesday to reauthorize the embattled Export-Import Bank for five years, proposing changes to its operations in hopes of addressing concerns of conservative critics. Among the reforms are an enhanced reserve fund to cover losses on loans the bank makes to foreign buyers of U.S. goods, as well as codifying the position…

Senior House Financial Services Members Propose Ex-Im Bill

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A pair of senior lawmakers are proposing the first bipartisan legislation in the House this year to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank and impose new requirements intended to protect taxpayers. Rep. Maxine Waters of California, the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, and Rep. Gary Miller of California, the panel’s vice chairman, will propose Tuesday extending the…

Two Lawmakers Propose First House Bipartisan Ex-Im Bill

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Two senior House lawmakers on Tuesday introduced bipartisan legislation that would provide a five-year reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank. Reps. Gary Miller (R-Calif.), vice chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the panel, teamed up on the House's first bipartisan draft legislation that would provide the bank with a…

Ex-Im Bank's June D-Day Spurs Lobbying Campaign to Save Lender

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WASHINGTON — The Export-Import Bank won a reprieve from Congress because its renewal was tucked into a must-pass bill funding the federal government. Next time, the bank will have to fight for survival on its own. When the lender's charter comes up for reauthorization in June, it will be in a separate bill, and supporters say that's likely to imperil the 80-year-old institution. The…

Export-Import Bank Supporters Relieved, Worried by 9-Month Extension

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Businesses and other supporters of the Export-Import Bank cheered the nine-month extension given final approval by the Senate on Thursday night, but remain worried about the future of the embattled agency. "Congress has left thousands of small, medium and large U.S. exporters and their workers in limbo until the middle of next year and this will likely negatively impact U.S. sales to…

Waters “Disappointed” with Nine-Month Ex-Im Extension

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Following the House of Representatives vote on a spending measure that extends government funding through December 11th, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee, expressed disappointment with a provision to extend the Export-Import Bank’s Charter for only nine months, and explained how it is an unfortunate step toward its possible demise. She…

House Leaders Weigh Short-Term Ex-Im Bank Plan

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House Republican leaders are considering a short-term extension of the 80-year-old U.S. Export-Import Bank that is set to expire this month, a party aide said. An extension of several months is being discussed, said the Republican aide, who asked not to be identified because no plans have been made public. The Export-Import Bank provides loan guarantees, loans and insurance to help…

Rising (Maxine) Waters

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Maxine Waters — the fiery liberal from Los Angeles known for calling House Republican leadership “demons” and threatening to nationalize oil companies — has gone from the scourge of Big Business to a sympathetic ally for corporate America. It’s no accident. Waters is executing this transformation by seizing on the growing divide between conservative Republicans and Big Business and…

GOP Senate Hopeful Backs the Ex-Im Bank

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The Republican nominee for a critical Senate seat in Iowa is breaking with Tea Party groups on reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank. Joni Ernst told CNBC in an interview that aired Wednesday she supports the bank, despite the stiff opposition to renewing its charter from groups on the right. "Iowa's economy — we have many spin-off industries, like Vermeer, we have John Deere,…

Will Export-Import Bank Get an August Rebound

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Rep. Patrick McHenry (R., N.C.) said Monday that the Export-Import Bank should be reauthorized because of its support for U.S. jobs, the latest sign of GOP backing for an agency caught in a political tug-of-war. The Ex-Im Bank has had a rocky month, with new House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) signaling that he wants the agency to wind down its operations and House…

Democratic Members of the Financial Services Committee Speak on Export-Import Bank

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014, Democratic members of the Financial Services Committee took to the floor of the House of Representatives to speak about the importance of the Export-Import Bank, the need to renew its charter, and the outpouring of support from businesses across the country for the continuation of the Bank. The Export-Import Bank supports hundreds of thousands of jobs…

Approaching Recess, Waters Blasts GOP for Ex-Im Inaction

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – At today’s press conference discussing House Democrats' “Make It In America” jobs legislation, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee, blasted Republicans refusal to take action to renew the Export-Import Bank’s charter. Waters criticized Republicans for heading into a five week Congressional recess without moving…

Heading into August, Waters Blasts Committee’s Unfinished Business

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At the last markup before the Congress breaks for August recess, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking  Member of the Financial Services Committee, criticized Republicans for wasting time while a number of major issues remain unresolved. The full Committee markup included six bills, the majority of which would be harmful to consumers and the economy. They include measures…

Waters Discusses Economic Challenges and Legislative Threats with Chair Yellen

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As Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen returned to testify before the House Financial Services Committee today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), the Ranking Democrat, laid out the significant challenges that lie ahead for the Fed, underscored the need to continue the unfinished business of Wall Street Reform and criticized Republican efforts to undermine the independence of…

Waters Challenges Hensarling to Negotiate on Export-Import Bank

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the aftermath of a divisive Export-Import Bank hearing for the Republican Party, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) called on Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) to heed the calls of his Republican caucus and strike a deal on the Bank. “It is clear from yesterday’s hearing that not only does a majority of the House of Representatives support…

Waters: Majority of House Supports Renewing Export-Import Bank

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At today’s full committee hearing to discuss the future of the Export-Import Bank,Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) blasted Republicans for giving in to the extremist element of the Republican party in pushing to end the Bank. The Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee underscored the importance of the Bank to American jobs, small businesses and the economy, as well as…

Waters Challenges Hensarling to Negotiate on Export-Import Bank

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 In the aftermath of a divisive Export-Import Bank hearing for the Republican Party,Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) called on Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) to heed the calls of his Republican caucus and strike a deal on the Bank. “It is clear from yesterday’s hearing that not only does a majority of the House of Representatives support renewing…

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