H.R. 68, the “Housing Fairness Act of 2021” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 28 ayes and 24 nays (FC-91).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 1, offered by Mr. Green.
An amendment offered by Mr. McHenry, no. 1a, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 25 ayes and 25 nays (FC-90).
H.R. 3111, the “Grandfamily Housing Act of 2021” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 29 ayes and 24 nays (FC-94)
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 2, offered by Ms. Pressley.
An amendment offered by Mr. Luetkemeyer, no. 2a, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 24 ayes and 27 nays (FC-93).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute,no. 3, offered by Mrs. Maloney.
H.R. 4495, the “Downpayment Toward Equity Act of 2021” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 28 ayes and 24 nays (FC-92).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 4, offered by Ms. Waters.
H.R. 4586, the “Risk-Based Credit Examination Act” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by voice vote.
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 5, offered by Mrs. Wagner.
H.R. 5912, the “Close the ILC Loophole Act” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 28 ayes and 25 nays (FC-99).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 6, offered by Mr. Garcia.
H.R. 6528, the “Housing Temperature Safety Act of 2022” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by voice vote.
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 7, offered by Mr. Torres.
H.R. 6814, the “Small Business Fair Debt Collection Protection Act” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 29 ayes and 24 nays (FC-98).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 8, offered by Mr. Lawson.
An amendment offered by Mr. Barr, no. 8a, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 25 ayes and 28 nays (FC-97).
H.R. 7195, to provide for certain whistleblower incentives and protections -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by voice vote.
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 9, offered by Ms. Adams.
H.R. 7977, the “Promoting Opportunities for Non-Traditional Capital Formation Act” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 29 ayes and 24 nays (FC-96).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute,no. 10, offered by Ms. Waters.
An amendment offered by Ms. Velázquez, no. 10a, was AGREED TO by voice vote.
An amendment offered by Mr. Huizenga, no. 10b, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 24 ayes and 28 nays (FC-95).
H.R. 7981, the “Public and Federally Assisted Housing Fire Safety Act of 2022” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by voice vote.
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 11, offered by Ms. Dean.