H.R. 151, the ‘‘Preventing Future Pandemics Act of 2021.’’ (Rep. Quigley)
H.R. 5457, the ‘‘Afghan Threat Finance Cell Establishment Act of 2021.’’ (Rep. Lynch)
H.R. ____, the ‘‘Afghanistan Illicit Finance Act.’’
H.R. ____, the ‘‘Combating Wildlife Trafficking and Proceeds Study Act.’’
H.R. ____, Expressing concern about the rise in illicit mining and trafficking of gold in Latin America and the pervasive problem that such mining poses for the security, stability, and environment of the region.
Witness List
Kidan Araya, Member, Illicit Trafficking Working Group, Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security; Board Member, Africa Policy Accelerator, CSIS
Carla García Zendejas, Director, People, Land, and Resources, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)