Hybrid Markup - Reconciliation Pursuant to S. Con. Res. 5, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 | 12:00 |
2128 RHOB & WebEx
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Click here for the Committee Memorandum.
- Committee Print - Providing for reconciliation pursuant to S. Con. Res. 5, the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021, -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 29 ayes and 24 nays (FC-12).
- An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 1, offered by Ms. Waters, was AGREED TO by voice vote.
- An amendment offered by Ms. Waters, no 1a, was AGREED TO by unanimous consent.
- Amendments EnBloc #1 were NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 24 ayes and 28 nays (FC-4).
- An amendment offered by Mr. McHenry, no. 1b.
- An amendment offered by Mrs. Wagner, no. 1c.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Loudermilk, no. 1d.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Loudermilk, no. 1e.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Stivers, no. 1f.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Barr, no. 1g.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Hill, no. 1h.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Zeldin, no. 1i.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Zeldin, no. 1j.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Gooden, no. 1k.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Rose, no. 1l.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Timmons, no. 1m.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Timmons, no. 1n.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Barr, no. 1o.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Huizenga, was WITHDRAWN.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Gonzalez (OH), was WITHDRAWN.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Gonzalez (OH) and Mr. Huizenga, was AGREED TO by voice vote.
- Amendments EnBloc #2 were NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 24 ayes and 27 nays (FC-5).
- An amendment offered by Mr. Luetkemeyer, no 1q.
- An amendment offered by Mrs. Wagner, no 1r.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Stivers, no 1s.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Stivers on behalf of Mr. Huizenga, no. 1t.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Williams (TX) on behalf of Mr. Budd, no 1u.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Mooney, no. 1v.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Loudermilk, no. 1w.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Loudermilk, no. 1x.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Posey, no. 1y.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Williams (TX), no. 1z.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Williams (TX), no. 1aa.
- An amendment offered by Mrs. Wagner, no. 1bb.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Rose, no. 1cc.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Rose, no 1dd.
- An amendment offered by Mr. Steil, no. 1ee, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 24 ayes and 28 nays (FC-6).
- An amendment offered by Mr. Hill, no. 1ff, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 24 ayes and 28 nays (FC-7).
- An amendment offered by Mr. Steil, no. 1gg, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 24 ayes and 28 nays (FC-8).
- An amendment offered by Mr. McHenry, no. 1hh, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 26 ayes and 26 nays (FC-9).
- An amendment offered by Mr. Timmons, no. 1ii, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 25 ayes and 27 nays (FC-10).
- An amendment offered by Mr. Hill, no. 1jj, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 24 ayes and 29 nays (FC-11).
Hearing Videos
Webcast of the Markup
Part 1
Part 2