H.R. 477, the “Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and Brokerage Simplification Act of 2017”
H.R. 1116, the “Taking Account of Institutions with Low Operation Risk Act of 2017”
H.R. 1585, To amend the Securities Act of 1933 to codify certain qualifications of individuals as accredited investors for purposes of the securities laws.
An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute expected to be offered by Mr. Hill. Members wishing to offer amendments are counseled to do so with reference to this text.
H.R. 1699, the “Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act of 2017”
H.R. 2121, the “Pension, Endowment, and Mutual Fund Access to Banking Act”
An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute expected to be offered by Mr. Rothfus. Members wishing to offer amendments are counseled to do so with reference to this text.
H.R. 2148, the “Clarifying Commercial Real Estate Loans”
H.R. 2396, the “Privacy Notification Technical Clarification Act”
An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute expected to be offered by Mr. Trott. Members wishing to offer amendments are counseled to do so with reference to this text.
H.R. 2706, the “Financial Institution Customer Protection Act of 2017”
An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute expected to be offered by Mr. Luetkemeyer. Members wishing to offer amendments are counseled to do so with reference to this text.
H.R. 2954, the “Home Mortgage Disclosure Adjustment Act”
An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute expected to be offered by Mr. Emmer. Members wishing to offer amendments are counseled to do so with reference to this text.
H.R. 3072, the “Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Examination and Reporting Threshold Act of 2017”
H.R. 3299, the “Protecting Consumers’ Access to Credit Act of 2017”
H.R. 3312, the “Systemic Risk Designation Improvement Act of 2017”
H.R. 3857, the Protecting Advice for Small Savers Act of 2017”
H.R. 3898, the “Impeding North Korea’s Access to Finance Act of 2017”
An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute expected to be offered by Mr. Barr. Members wishing to offer amendments are counseled to do so with reference to this text.
H.R. 3903, the “Encouraging Public Offerings Act of 2017”
H.R. 3911, the “Risk-Based Credit Examination Act”