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Hearing entitled “Legislative Proposals to Enhance Capital Formation and Reduce Regulatory Burdens”

Wednesday, April 29, 2015 | 02:00 | HVC-210 of the House Visitors’ Center


  • H.R. 432, the “Small Business Investment Company Advisers Relief Act of 2015”

  • H.R. 686, the “Small Business Mergers, Acquisitions, Sales, and Brokerage Simplification Act of 2015”

  • H.R. 1317, a bill to amend the Commodity Exchange Act and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to specify how clearing requirements apply to certain affiliate transactions, and for other purposes

  • H.R. 1334, the “Holding Company Registration Threshold Equalization Act of 2015”

  • H.R. 1525, the “Disclosure Modernization and Simplification Act of 2015”

  • H.R. 1675, the “Encouraging Employee Ownership Act of 2015”

  • H.R. 1723, the “Small Business Freedom and Growth Act of 2015”

  • H.R. 1839, the “Reforming Access for Investments in Startup Enterprises Act of 2015”

  • H.R. 1847, the “Swap Data Repository and Clearinghouse Indemnification Correction Act”

  • H.R. 1965, the “Small Company Disclosure Simplification Act”

  • H.R. 1975, a bill to amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require the Securities Exchange Commission to refund or credit excess payments made to the Commission

  • H.R. ____, the “Improving Access to Capital for Emerging Growth Companies Act”

Witness List
  • Mr. Thomas C. Deas, Vice President and Treasurer, FMC Corporation, on behalf of the Coalition for Derivatives End-Users

  • Professor Theresa A. Gabaldon, Lyle T. Alverson Professor of Law, George Washington University

  • Gayle Hughes, Partner, Merion Investment Partners, on behalf of the Small Business Investor Alliance

  • Mr. Shane Kovacs, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Head of Corporate Development, PTC Therapeutics, Inc., on behalf of the Biotechnology Industry Organization

  • Mr. Thomas Quaadman, Vice President, Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness, U.S. Chamber of CommerceThe Honorable Fred P. Hochberg, Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the United States

Democratic Q&A with Panel

Hearing Videos



    Democratic Q&A With Panel

    Ranking Member Maxine Waters

    CM - Subcommittee Ranking Member Carolyn Maloney

    Congressman Ruben Hinojosa

    Congressman John C. Carney

    Congressman Keith Ellison

    Congresswoman  Gwen Moore

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