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COVID-19 Edition
November 15, 2020


Committee Holds First Financial Services Committee Virtual Hearing After Americans Reject Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Policies at Ballot Box

On Thursday, the full committee, chaired by Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), held a virtual hearing entitled, “Oversight of Prudential Regulators: Ensuring the Safety, Soundness, Diversity, and Accountability of Depository Institutions during the Pandemic.”

The virtual hearing witnesses included:

Click here to watch the virtual hearing.

Tweets of the Week


Member Spotlight

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)

During this week's full Committee hearing, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) asked about the Federal Reserve ‘s investment in companies that are responsible for bad air quality in communities.

Watch here for additional remarks from Chairwoman Waters during floor debate on H.R. 6270.

Weekend Reads

Chairwoman’s Corner

Chairwoman Waters to Regulators: President-Elect Biden Has a Mandate to Protect Consumers and End Trump's Wall Street First Agenda

Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)
gave the following statement at a full Committee hearing entitled, “Oversight of Prudential Regulators: Ensuring the Safety, Soundness, Diversity, and Accountability of Depository Institutions during the Pandemic:” 

“On November 3, America decisively rejected President Trump, his harmful policies, and his dangerous rhetoric. The American people have given President-elect Biden a mandate to govern and reverse the harmful policies of the Trump Administration, including the many actions that several of our witnesses have taken to deregulate Wall Street. This mandate is entirely consistent with recent state referenda in which voters in red states embraced progressive economic policies. For example, in Nebraska, voters banned usury, approving a state-wide interest rate cap of 36 percent. In Florida, voters approved a $15 an hour minimum wage.

It is clear that Americans want a financial and economic system that works for them and not against them. I was inspired by the words of President-elect Biden on how he wants to unify the country. As ever, I stand ready to work with Members on both sides of the aisle and the incoming Biden Administration on reforming our financial system so that consumers and investors have the protections they need.

President-elect Biden has already begun the work of building a better future for our nation. On Monday, he established his Coronavirus Task Force, showing how seriously he is taking this virus. Make no mistake, the pandemic continues to take a terrible toll. There have been over 10.2 million U.S. cases and over 239,000 people have lost their lives to the virus. We are now seeing over 100,000 new U.S. cases a day for the first time.

From the beginning of this pandemic, I have urged regulators to focus their efforts on pandemic response and halt rulemakings unrelated to addressing the crisis. I am very concerned that regulators have nonetheless issued numerous harmful deregulatory rules in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. For example, the OCC issued a harmful rule that badly undermines the Community Reinvestment Act. Regulators have also moved to weaken the Volcker rule, which prevents banks from gambling with taxpayer money. There have also been a number of troubling rulemakings to weaken capital and other prudential requirements for the nation’s largest banks.…”

Click here to read her full statement.

Sent from the Committee on Financial Services

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