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Maxine Waters, Ranking Member, Announces House Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Develop Commemorative Coin, Award Congressional Gold Medal to Former Navy Officer

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, announced the House’s passage, under suspension of the rules, of bipartisan bills to develop a commemorative coin series honoring society’s working dogs and award former Navy officer Evertt Alavarez Jr with a Congressional Gold Medal.

This is a procedure often used on the House floor to act expeditiously on legislation that is generally non-controversial. Next, these bills will await a vote in the Senate.

H.R. 1097, Everett Alvarez, Jr. Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023 is a bill offered by Representative Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), that would award a Congressional Gold Medal to former Navy Officer Everett Alavarez, Jr. in recognition of the abuse, torture, isolation and starvation that he suffered during his imprisonment in the Vietnam War to remain loyal to the United States. The bill would recognize his sacrifice and service.

H.R. 807, Working Dog Commemorative Coin Act is a bill offered by Representatives Patrick McHenry (R-NC) and Jim McGovern (D-MA) requires the U.S. Treasury and Mint to develop a commemorative coin series honoring the critical role working dogs play in our society. The definition of a working dog includes services dogs provide in detection, military service, therapy and assistance. The bill calls for no more than 50,000 $5 gold coins, $500,000 $1 silver coins, and 750,000 half-dollar coins to be created.


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