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Maxine Waters, Ranking Member, Delivers Opening Statement During Hearing on National Security: “...There Are Security Threats Coming from the Former President of the United States Almost Every Day.”

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, delivered the following opening statement during a National Security, Illicit Finance, and International Financial Institutions Subcommittee hearing entitled, “Mission Critical: Restoring National Security as the Focus of Defense Production Act Reauthorization, Part II.”

Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I have a prepared one-minute statement, but I’m really bothered by some other problems that I see growing in this country. And as I understand the Defense Production Act, or DPA, is an important tool that ensures our country is prepared for, and can respond to, any security threat that may arise. Mr. Chairman and members, there are security threats coming from the former President of the United States almost every day. He talks about violence if he’s not elected. He talks about a civil war. He talks about if he’s not elected there will be bloodshed. And so. I consider that this is a serious domestic threat coming from the former president. Is that included in the Defense Production Act? It's not fair, to bring the question up today, but I’d like to put it on everybody’s minds. I yield back.


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