Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, sent a letter to the Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) Task Force asking that the Task Force move quickly to implement its planned administrative actions and provide the Committee with a clear timeline for implementation of each action.
“The Task Force’s Action Plan is a critical step forward in our nation’s duty to root out bias and discrimination in the appraisal industry, which has gone under the radar for too long. During the pandemic alone, we have seen countless reports of appraisal bias and alleged discrimination, which are exacerbated by gaps in federal home valuation policies and regulations. The systemic undervaluation of homes owned by people of color and located in communities of color has blocked many homeowners of color, especially Black homeowners, from fully benefiting from the equity in their homes, from refinancing their mortgages into historically low interest rates, and devaluing the communities they live in.”
See here for the letter, which is also provided below.
Honorable Marcia L. Fudge
PAVE Task Force Co-Chair
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
451 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20410
Melody Taylor
PAVE Executive Director
Director, Region III, HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
451 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20410
Susan Rice
PAVE Task Force Co-Chair
White House Domestic Policy Council
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Secretary Fudge, Director Rice, and Director Taylor:
I commend the Biden Administration for its convening of the Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) to address inequity in home valuations, including appraisals.[1] The Task Force recently released its first report entitled, “Action Plan to Advance Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity” (“the Action Plan”).[2] The Action Plan includes proposed administrative actions to advance valuation equity along with various legislative recommendations. My discussion draft of the “Fair Appraisal and Inequity Reform (FAIR) Act of 2022,” which was noticed at a recent full Committee hearing,[3] includes legislative recommendations from the Task Force. As I work with my Congressional colleagues and the Biden Administration to formally introduce and advance the FAIR Act, I ask that the Task Force move quickly to implement its planned administrative actions and provide the Committee with a clear timeline for implementation of each action.
The Task Force’s Action Plan is a critical step forward in our nation’s duty to root out bias and discrimination in the appraisal industry, which has gone under the radar for too long. During the pandemic alone, we have seen countless reports of appraisal bias and alleged discrimination, which are exacerbated by gaps in federal home valuation policies and regulations. The systemic undervaluation of homes owned by people of color and located in communities of color has blocked many homeowners of color, especially Black homeowners, from fully benefiting from the equity in their homes, from refinancing their mortgages into historically low interest rates, and devaluing the communities they live in. Biased valuations that affect mortgage loan-to-value requirements can also block individuals from becoming homeowners altogether.
As each of you know, the safety and soundness of our nation’s housing finance market depends on fair and accurate home valuations. Similarly, we cannot ensure equitable access to homeownership for every family without fair and accurate home valuations. I look forward to your prompt response to this request. Please contact Alia Fierro, Deputy Director of Housing, Community Development, and Insurance at
Maxine Waters
cc: The Honorable Patrick McHenry, Ranking Member
[1] The PAVE Task Force is similar to an interagency task force proposed in H.R. 2553, the “Real Estate Valuation Fairness Act of 2021,” which passed by voice vote in the Financial Services Committee in April 2021.
[2] PAVE Task Force, Action Plan to Advance Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (Mar. 2022).
[3] U.S. House Committee on Financial Services, “Devalued, Denied, and Disrespected: How Home Appraisal Bias and Discrimination Are Hurting Homeowners and Communities of Color” (Mar. 29, 2022).