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Waters Statement on Reta Jo Lewis Becoming President and Chair of EXIM Bank

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, released the following the statement on confirmation of Reta Jo Lewis as President and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM): 

“I want to congratulate Reta Jo Lewis on her historic confirmation as President and Chair of EXIM. As the first Black woman to serve in this capacity, her confirmation is a shining example of what it looks like to break glass ceilings. This moment also marks the beginning of a new chapter for EXIM Bank and businesses across the country.

“Ms. Lewis is a public servant with a proven track record of supporting American businesses and building strong international partnerships. Her wealth of international and business-related expertise will be vital to EXIM’s mission of helping US exporters compete in the global markets and to create and preserve jobs at home. I am especially pleased with Ms. Lewis’ record on a key priority of my Committee—strengthening small, women- and minority-owned businesses. Throughout her career, she’s successfully supported these businesses by connecting them with both the resources and the networks they need to foster strategic alliances and opportunities.  

“With Ms. Lewis at the helm of EXIM, U.S. exporters large and small — and American workers from all walks of life will benefit from the resources that EXIM provides. Strengthening the EXIM Bank has always been a top priority of mine, and its why I’m proud to have authored and enacted legislation to reauthorize the bank for 7 years — the longest reauthorization in the bank’s history. I look forward to working with Ms. Lewis to make sure America’s exporters and businesses are best positioned to win and compete.”


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