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Waters Announces Auchincloss as Financial Services Committee Vice Chair

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, announced that Congressman Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) will serve as Vice Chair of the Committee in the 117th Congress. Representative Auchincloss was elected to serve as Vice Chair by Committee Democrats.

“I am pleased to announce that Congressman Jake Auchincloss will serve as Vice Chair of the Financial Services Committee for the 117th Congress,” said Chairwoman Waters. “Representative Auchincloss brings a unique perspective and experience as a Marine veteran and new member to the Committee, and he has already made valuable contributions to our work in his short time as a Member. I am excited that he will serve as our Vice Chair and look forward to his work in this new role.”

"As we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, we have an opportunity to rebuild our economy so that it works for everyone,” said Congressman Jake Auchincloss.“Millennials are on track to be the first generation in American history worse off than their parents, I know I speak for Americans of all ages when I say that I refuse to accept that trajectory. We are going to make the bold investments and the smart decisions necessary to ensure that the American economy is the most fair and productive in the world. I’m honored by the confidence of Chairwoman Waters and the Financial Services Committee as we engage in this monumental work.”


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