Democrats Force an End to Political Charade on 'Wrong Choice Act'
Washington, DC,
September 13, 2016
During committee consideration of H.R. 5983, Democrats expressed their grave concerns with the bill and noted that it was simply so toxic that it was unamenable. "Mr. Chairman, this bill is so bad that it simply cannot be fixed. This markup is not a serious attempt to move thoughtful legislation, evidenced by the fact that we only had one hearing on one portion of the bill. It's clear that this is a rushed, partisan messaging tool, though why anyone would want to push legislation to deregulate Wall Street at a time like this is beyond me. So let's not waste anymore time on this. Democrats will not offer any amendments, and we move to dispense with this political theater. And with that, Mr. Chairman, I move the previous question." The procedural move cut off debate and required an immediate vote on final passage. Democrats voted together against the bill with one Republican. The final vote was 30-26. ### |