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Waters Commends Senate Confirmation of CFTC Nominees

Following the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of three new Commissioners to the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, applauded the chamber’s action on these long-overdue nominees. The action by the Senate now gives the CFTC a full, five-member commission.

She released the following statement:

“I’m pleased that, for the first time in nearly a year, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission will have a full five commissioners on their roster. Under the leadership of Tim Massad as Chair, the CFTC will continue the challenging task of promulgating – and enforcing – complicated rules related to derivatives trading and other aspects of the Wall Street Reform Act that are crucial to prevent another financial crisis.  I am also pleased the United States Senate has confirmed Sharon Bowen as the first African American woman to serve on the CFTC. I look forward to working with the Commission as it continues to move toward finalizing and implementing important rules that will bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street. Strong enforcement of these rules will help end the risky practices that brought us to the brink of collapse just a few short years ago.”


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