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Ranking Member Waters Commends Enforcement Actions by DOJ Encourages Further Steps

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, today released a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder commending recent work by the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and banking regulators in investigating and prosecuting wrongdoing related to LIBOR manipulation, money laundering and violations of the Bank Secrecy Act.

Ranking Member Waters has been outspoken about the need for increased enforcement activity and prosecutions of individuals responsible for crimes in the financial sector. Her letter to Attorney General Holder notes her concern about whether deferred prosecution agreements, civil actions, and monetary settlements alone are sufficient to deter future abuses, and she requests clarification from the DOJ regarding its policies on the prosecution of financial crimes. Congresswoman Waters extends an invitation to the Attorney General or his representatives to take place in a roundtable discussion of these issues with Members of the House Financial Services Committee.



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