Click here for the LIVE WEBCAST of this hearing.
Click here for the Committee Memorandum.
- H.R._____, the “Identifying Regulatory Barriers to Housing Supply Act.” (Rep. Flood)
- H.R._____, the “Housing for America’s Middle Class Act.” (Rep. Lawler)
- H.R._____, the “Housing Supply and Innovation Frameworks Act.” (Rep. Flood)
Witness List
- The Honorable Paul Compton, Managing Partner, Compton Jones Dresher LLP
- Dr. Emily Hamilton, Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Urbanity Project, Mercatus Center at George Mason University
- Mr. Buddy Hughes, Chairman of the Board, National Association of Home Builders
- Ms. Tara Vasicek, City Administrator, City of Columbus
- Ms. Nikitra Bailey, Executive Vice President, National Fair Housing Alliance
Hearing Videos
Webcast of the Hearing