H.R. 4496, the ‘‘Ending Homelessness Act of 2021.’’ (Rep. Waters)
H.R. 5376, the ‘‘Build Back Better Act.’’ (Rep. Yarmuth)
H.R. 2965, the “Naomi Schwartz Safe Parking Program Act of 2021." (Rep. Carbajal)
H.R. 4731, the ‘‘Veterans Service Organization Modernization Act of 2021.’’ (Rep. Waters)
H.R. ____, the "Homeless Assistance Act of 2021." (Rep. Sherman)
H.R. ____, discussion draft to provide additional flexibilities to homeless service providers in rural communities to better serve people experiencing homelessness and to increase provider capacity. (Rep. Axne)
H.R. ____, discussion draft to have the Government Accountability Office examine barriers public housing agencies face when serving people experiencing homelessness.
H.R. ____, the "Housing is Health Care Act of 2022." (Rep. Waters)
H.R. ____, the "Helping People Experiencing Substance Use Disorder and Homelessness Act of 2022” (Rep. Dean)
H.R. ____, the "Housing Inspections Accountability Act of 2022”
H.R. ____, discussion draft to require the installation of sealed, tamper-resistant smoke detectors in federally assisted housing, and to authorize $2 million for a public awareness campaign on health and safety features in housing
H.R. 6528, the "Housing Temperature Safety Act of 2022” (Rep. Torres)
H.R. 6529, the "Twin Parks North West Fire Safety Act of 2022” (Rep. Torres)
Witness List
Adrienne Bush, Executive Director, Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky
Marc Dones, Chief Executive Officer, King County Regional Homelessness Authority
Ann Oliva, Vice President for Housing Policy, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Nan Roman, Chief Executive Officer, National Alliance to End Homelessness