H.J. Res. 59, Disapproving the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to “Overdraft Lending: Very Large Financial Institutions. (Rep. Hill)
H.R. 747, the “Stop Chinese Fentanyl Act of 2025.”
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no 1, offered by Mrs. Kim.
H.R. 910, the “Taiwan Non-Discrimination Act of 2025.”
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no 2, offered by Mrs. Kim.
H.R. 1474, the “International Nuclear Energy Financing Act of 2025.”
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no 3, offered by Mr. Hill.
H.R. 1549, the “China Financial Threat Mitigation Act of 2025.”
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no 4, offered by Mr. Williams.
H.R. 1577, the “Stop Fentanyl Money Laundering Act of 2025.”
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no 5, offered by Mr. Ogles.