H.R. 5315 , the " Expanding Opportunity for MDIs Act."
H.R. 5322, the "Ensuring Diversity in Community Banking Act."
H.R. 6476, To amend the CARES Act to establish a loan program to provide liquidity to eligible lenders for the purpose of providing loans under the Paycheck Protection Program, and for other purposes.
H.R. 6775, the "Consumer Abuse Remediation Enhancement (CARE) Act."
H.R. 6830, To reduce the minimum issuance guarantee amount under the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program, and for other purposes.
H.R. 6868, To amend the CARES Act to establish a Community Capital Investment Program, and for other purposes.
H.R. 6892,To amend the CARES Act to add requirements for the Main Street Lending Program related to non-profit organizations, small businesses, minority depository institutions, and community development financial institutions, and for other purposes.
H.R.___, "Strengthening Minority Community Development Financial Institutions Act."
H.R.___, To authorize appropriations for the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund providing financial assistance and technical assistance for the benefit of certain minority communities, and for other purposes .
Witness List
Ms. Lisa Mensah, President and Chief Executive Officer, Opportunity Finance Network
Mr. Michael T. Pugh, President, Chief Executive Officer and Board Member, Carver Federal Savings Bank
Mr. Samuel C. Scott, Chairman, Black Chicago Tomorrow, and Co-Chair, American Business Immigration Coalition
Mr. James H. Sills III, President and Chief Executive Officer, M&F Bank, on behalf of the Independent Community Bankers of America