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Building a Sustainable and Competitive Economy: An Examination of Proposals to Improve Environmental, Social and Governance Disclosures

Printed Hearing 116-39.

here for the ARCHIVED WEBCAST of this hearing

Click here for the Committee Memorandum.


  • H.R.____, the “ESG Disclosure Simplification Act of 2019” [DRAFT]
  • H.R.____, the “Shareholder Protection Act of 2019” [DRAFT]
  • H.R.____, the “Corporate Human Rights Risk Assessment, Prevention, and Mitigation Act of 2019” [DRAFT]
  • H.R.____, To require issuers required to file an annual or quarterly report under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to disclose the total amount of corporate tax such issuer paid in the period covered by the report, and for other purpose [DRAFT]
  • H.R.____, the “Climate Risk Disclosure Act of 2019” [DRAFT]

Witness List

Hearing Videos


    Webcast of the Hearing


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