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For Immediate Release
December 19, 2019

Committee Releases 2019 Highlights and Legislative Successes on Behalf of Hardworking Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, released a compilation of the Committee’s successes in the first session of the 116th Congress, with a focus on the Committee’s longstanding commitment to creating opportunities, ensuring fairness, and protecting the economic well-being of all Americans.

“During the 116th Congress, my colleagues and I have made great strides in our efforts to protect consumers and investors from abusive financial practices, make sure that there are strong safeguards in place to prevent another financial crisis, expand and support affordable housing opportunities, tackle the homelessness crisis, encourage responsible innovation in financial technology, ensure our financial system isn't exploited by bad actors and criminals, promote diversity and inclusion in the financial services sector, hold this disgraceful Trump Administration accountable and ensure that hardworking Americans and small businesses have fair access to the financial system and opportunities to thrive,” said Chairwoman Waters.

The document touts the Committee’s efforts to work on important issues that impact hardworking Americans under Chairwoman Waters’ leadership and offers first-hand accounts from the perspective of Members and advocates who represent the interests of communities across the nation.

Click here to view the report.



Sent from the Committee on Financial Services Democrats

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