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COVID-19 Edition
May 24, 2020


Committee Holds Bipartisan Virtual Roundtable with Housing Experts

On Friday, the Subcommittee on Housing Community Development, and Insurance, held a virtual roundtable with housing experts entitled, “Reviewing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on U.S. Housing Markets.”

The virtual roundtable panelists included:

  • Diane Yentel, President and CEO, National Low Income Housing Coalition
  • Kristy W. Fercho, Vice Chairman, Mortgage Bankers Association
  • Jenny Schuetz, Metropolitan Policy Program Fellow, Brookings Institution

Watch the virtual roundtable discussion here:

Weekend Reads

Tweet of the Week


Member Spotlight

Congressman David Scott (D-GA)

ICYMI: Scott Bill to Provide Relief to Homeowners Passed by House as Part of the Heroes Act

Congressman David Scott’s (D-GA)
legislation to create a $75 billion homeowner assistance fund (H.R. 6729), was recently passed by the House as part of the Heroes Act, House Democrat’s latest legislative package to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

Here’s what Congressman Scott had to say about the bill:

 “As we all know, homeownership is the foundation of both a family’s economic security, as well as state and local government economic security. The foreclosure crisis that began in 2008 devastated families and destroyed middle-class wealth. As Congress acts to address this global health and economic crisis, we must ensure that families have housing security and stability to withstand these troubling times.”

For additional details on the Congressman’s bill see here.

Chairwoman’s Corner

Waters on Otting Issuing Rule to Weaken CRA During COVID-19: ‘Congress will not let this final rule stand’

On Wednesday, Chairwoman Waters released the following statement in response to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) issuance of a final rule weakening the implementation of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA):

“Gutting CRA has been Otting’s priority from day one. Now that he’s done that with this rule, it appears that he will be resigning from the OCC. This confirms my long-held suspicions that his singular focus on CRA was simply a vendetta against a program and an agency that held him accountable for his poor management of OneWest’s CRA program."

Otting may be done with his rule dismantling CRA but this is by no means the end of the story. Congress will not let this final rule stand.”

See the full text of the statement here.

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