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For Immediate Release
March 26, 2020

Committee Democrats At Work: Rep. Garcia Introduces Bill to Ban Evictions During COVID-19 Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. - As the nation endures the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Committee Democrats led by Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, have released the Financial Protections and Assistance for America’s Consumers, States, Businesses, and Vulnerable Populations Act (H.R. 6321), legislation to provide a comprehensive stimulus and public policy response to the coronavirus pandemic. 

This legislation executes the comprehensive plan released by Chairwoman Waters and Committee Democrats last week.

H.R. 6321 includes provisions to protect consumers, renters, homeowners, and people experiencing homelessness, including a bill from Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Garcia’s (D-IL) to place a temporary nationwide ban on landlords filing evictions on renters.

Representative Garcia’s bill and numerous other provisions from H.R. 6321 are part of the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act, House Democrats’ phase three coronavirus response bill that injects more than $2.5 trillion into the American economy. Chairwoman Waters is a cosponsor of the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act.

See below for what Congressman Garcia had to say about his critical legislation and click here for additional details on the entire legislative package released by Chairwoman Waters’ and Committee Democrats in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“No one should lose their home during the COVID-19 pandemic which is why I introduced the Rental Eviction Moratorium Act, to prohibit evicting renters during this crisis,” said Congressman Garcia.

“Families are hurting -- they are worried about their jobs, health, and child care and deserve the certainty that they won't be kicked to the curb and left homeless if they can’t make their rent. Last week I authored a letter that 77 Members of Congress signed, calling on mortgage lenders to stop foreclosures during this public health crisis. But nearly a third of U.S. residents are renters -- in the communities I represent in Chicago the ratio is much higher. Working class people, immigrants, and renters suffer disproportionately from economic recessions like the one this country will likely be facing and they need the financial security this bill would provide, immediately.”



Sent from the Committee on Financial Services

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