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Waters Slams Republicans’ Abusive Practices towards the Consumer Bureau

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Committee on Financial Services, issued the following statement in strong opposition to Chairman Hensarling’s abuse of his unilateral subpoena power and his excessive document requests from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Consumer Bureau):

“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has not only been faithfully compliant in responding to the Chairman’s endless requests for documents, but to date they’ve produced nearly 90,000 pages. Committee Republicans are misleading the American people by claiming that the Consumer Bureau is unresponsive and unaccountable, when in reality, Chairman Hensarling has suffocated the Consumer Bureau’s staff with excessive information requests and subpoenas, directing resources away from their primary mission: protecting hardworking Americans from predatory financial actors.

“Its instances like this that exemplify why Committee Democrats have called to eliminate the Chairman’s unilateral subpoena authority so we can publicly debate the merit of Committee subpoenas and prevent the harassment of hardworking public servants.”


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