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Waters Statement on Supreme Court Decision to End CDC Eviction Moratorium

Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, issued the following statement following a 6-3 Supreme Court decision that ended the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) eviction moratorium.

“Tonight, the Supreme Court, along partisan lines, decided that the CDC eviction moratorium in areas experiencing high rates of COVID-19 could not continue, putting some renters at risk of eviction as cases continue to surge. As the CDC moratorium would have expired on October 3, we always knew that the window to protect renters and help landlords was narrow. While I introduced the original bill to extend the eviction moratorium until December 31, without the votes to pass it action must still be taken. Accordingly, I immediately set to work on a legislative solution to address issues with the slow implementation of the emergency rental assistance program. My new proposal would ensure that both renters and landlords can independently apply for emergency rental assistance so that landlords get paid their back rent, and that the program works with less bureaucracy and red tape.

“Throughout the last three weeks, I have been working tirelessly with the U.S. Treasury and my colleagues in the U.S. Congress to put forward a legislative solution that addresses this crisis and meets the moment. We are all well aware of just how critical it is to ensure that families and children across this country remain safely housed with a roof over their heads. As Congress moves forward to address this issue, I urge each of my colleagues to support my legislation and do the right thing to avoid an unnecessary public health and housing catastrophe.”


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